Chris Orzechowski – Client Acquisition Download (2024)

Chris Orzechowski – Client Acquisition Download

Chris Orzechowski – Client Acquisition Download


It shows a simple system you can use to repeatedly get copywriting clients that you absolutely love working with… without having to send a single cold email.

I want you to use it to repeatedly get copywriting clients on command… so you can earn more money, have more stability and build a more secure copywriting career.

Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside Client Acquisition:

  • An in-depth breakdown into what it takes to build a client acquisition system that allows you to earn enough to leave your day job and become a full-time copywriter.
  • 4 questions that’ll help you find dozens, even hundreds of clients who’d love to hire you to write their copy.
  • How clients typically like to find copywriters… and how to use this psychological insight so you can get hundreds of new client leads every single year.
  • How I sold $1,000,000+ worth of copywriting services… without sending a single cold email to win those deals.
  • How to get your first client (the easy way).
  • A handful of places to find your first paying client (these opportunities are hiding right under your nose!)
  • Five ways to increase your income as a copywriter. (Do one… or do all five!)
  • The right way to niche down and specialize, so you can get more of the RIGHT type of clients.
  • And much more…

Here’s What Life Looks Like After Mastering The Art of Client Acquisition:

You’ll finally have a consistent flow of copywriting clients week after week, month after month… without fail.

You’ll have a system (that doesn’t rely on cold email) to get clients on command.

You’ll never have to scrape email addresses, cold pitch, or “beg” for work from random strangers ever again. (No more neediness!!!)

You’ll start charging higher and higher fees. (You’ll literally HAVE to – supply and demand).

You’ll break free from the “feast or famine” client work cycle… and have more steady, rock-solid revenue flowing into your copywriting business.

You’ll have cash to reinvest into your business, so you can grow faster and reach higher heights in your copy career.

You’ll be able to take on less clients (at higher price points)… skyrocketing your effective hourly rate.

You’ll win retainers and performance deals with ease.

You’ll start charging multiple four-figures… even five-figures per copy gig.

You’ll have more time off, because you’ll no longer feel like you’re changed to the computer.

Remember hobbies? Remember fun? You’ll be able to do all the things you used to love, before your business devoured that time.

[This one was most important for me]: You’ll have more time to spend with your family members, loved ones, and friends… because you’ll finally have a hyper profitable copywriting business that rewards you in time, money, and freedom.

You’ll be able to break past the ever-elusive $100,000+/year mark.

In fact, inside the pages of Client Acquisition, I’ll even show you how to take your business past the $200,000+/year mark. (I’ve helped a lot of my students do this… I promise it’s not as hard as you might think.)

Bonus #1

7 Ways To Get A Client In The Next 7 Days

This one is pretty cray cray.

Because it walks you through seven dead-simple strategies you can use to get a client in the next seven days.

You’ve got seven different techniques here.

Each one will take you about 5 minutes (or less) worth of work.

And I’d be absolutely SHOCKED if you tried ALL seven of these methods and came up empty handed.

Whether you’re in a bind and need a client fast… or if you just want another quick gig for some extra cash, this module is one you’ll be using over and over again.

Bonus #2

The Perfect Portfolio

Most clients will ask to see some samples of the work you’ve done.

But have you ever sent in your samples… and then heard nothing but crickets from the client?

There’s a reason why this happens:

Your portfolio was probably a big Google document full of words and it confused the sh*t out of the client.

There’s actually a super-simple, very strategic way to set up your copywriting portfolio so:

Bonus #3

5 Best Copywriting Job Boards

There are five job boards where you can get into a conversation literally within the next 24 hours with big time clients who have money burning a hole in their pocket… no matter what skill level you’re at.

In this training, I break down exactly which job boards are best for all different types of copywriters.

Plus… I give you some tips to parse through each opportunity so you can determine whether or not a job will be right for you.

Bonus #4

The Perfect “Client-Getting” Website

Your copywriting website is one of the most powerful assets you can own.

It’s also the one that gives you the most headaches.

There’s a right way to organize your site… and a wrong way.

If you do it the right way, when potential clients hit your website, they’re going to reach out and ask to hire you.

If you do it the wrong way… they’ll bounce from your site and go hire your competition.

I’ll show you a breakdown of a copywriting site that has generated HUNDREDS of high-level copywriting clients… on autopilot… that has been working nonstop for years. And I’ll even show you how to model your site so it does the same.

Bonus #5

9 Most Profitable Copywriting Niches

Not every niche is created equal.

Some niches are HUGE money makers… with tons of funding and marketing budgets you can tap into fast, even if you’re a newer writer.

The WORST thing you can do is build the foundation of your copywriting business in a dead, dying, or shrinking industry.

No bueno.

This training will show you some “big money niches” where there’s ALWAYS opportunity for writers with your particular set of skills.

Bonus #6

How to Become a High-Ticket Email Marketing Manager

No matter what your copywriting “specialty” is… at some point, you’re probably going to need to write emails for clients.

I’ve made my career as an email marketer.

And in this training, I’m going to show you how I made that happen.

This training is specifically for email copywriters who want to upgrade their skills so they can manage every aspect of their clients email program… instead of “just” writing the copy.

I’ll show you:

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