BowTied SalesGuy – The Chad Salesman Course Download (2022)

Bowtied salesguy the chad salesman course free download

BowTied SalesGuy – The Chad Salesman Course Download

Learn how to sell anything to anybody. You will also learn why you lose deals. Unlike other sales courses, you will learn a completely unconventional and different approach so you can stand out from the pack and crush your quota.

What’s Inside:

Part 1: Frames – The Art (and Science) of Communication

  • Learn what Frames are
  • The most common Frames AND How to Break them
  • Learn what is Status and How to play the Frame Game

Part 2: Leveraging Psychology for Sales Success

  • How to manipulate perception
  • Learn how to paint pictures for prospects
  • Learn how to get the prospect to sell themselves

Part 3: The Chad Salesman

  • The 3 traits you MUST master
  • Learn all the mistakes amateurs make and how to avoid them

Part 4: Winning the Sales Game

  • Selling through Value vs Status
  • Frame Battle: You vs the Prospect
  • What the Ideal B2B Sales Process looks like
  • How to Nail Discovery
  • How to Crush your Demos
  • Learn how to handle Objections with Finesse
  • How to *actually* prospect
  • Commanding attention on Follow up
  • Body language tips

Bonus Downloads

  • 12+ bonus downloads (many of which you have not seen on my Twitter)
  • Bonuses include:
    • Cold call scripts
    • Cold email sequences
    • 9 Status Hacks
    • Discovery Call checklist
    • Tonality
    • Handling Inbound leads
    • Frame Cheat Sheet
    • And more!

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