Suzi McAlpine – The Leader’s Map Download (2021)


Suzi McAlpine – The Leader’s Map Download

Welcome to THE LEADER’s MAP

The blended online programme for emerging leaders

who are the emerging leaders in your organisation?

Do they have the leadership skills to fly, not flop?

Are they “too busy” for leadership training?


Here’s a staggering fact: 44 percent of emerging leaders feel unprepared for their role. And 87 percent wish they’d had more training beforehand.

With that in mind, The Leader’s Map is for anyone in a role where skilled leadership is critical for success, including:-

✔ First time leaders in your organisation

✔ Mid level leaders looking to improve their leadership capability

✔ Aspiring leaders soon to move into their first leadership role

✔ Leaders with little or no prior leadership training

✔ Leaders who are under performing or struggling with some aspect of their role

Provide leadership training and support BEFORE your leaders set sail, and you’ll not only increase their confidence and capability, you’ll improve the performance of their team too.

Why a leadership programme with an online component?

The link between learning programmes and leader quality is 46 percent stronger when technology is used heavily.

It’s flexible learning at its finest. Your leaders can study anywhere, anytime.

Compared with traditional learning, using an online component will save your organisation a significant amount of time and money. It follows the 70/20/10 rule of training, requiring your leaders to try out and practice what they’ve learnt, as they go along.

It provides you with easy, real time updates and feedback on their progress.

The best way to use The Leader’s Map is as a blended programme, where your emerging leaders do the modules individually, but supplement this with group reflection and learning. We’ll work with you on the best way to do this.

Module 1: Defining Your Leadership Brand and Your True North.

Lesson One – Define your ‘True North’ as a leader.

Lesson Two – Identify your core leadership values.

Lesson Three – Know thyself: How to increase your self-awareness.

Bonus Material – Above the Line and Below the Line Behaviour

Module 2: The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback.

Lesson One – Why feedback is the ‘Breakfast of Champions’.

Lesson Two – How to master the art of giving feedback.

Lesson Three – How to receive feedback like a champ.

Module 3: Become an Outstanding Coach.

Lesson One – What is coaching and why you should make it a daily habit.

Lesson Two – The fundamentals of great coaching.

Lesson Three – Advanced coaching skills.

Module 4: How to Manage Your Time and Priorities like a Pro.

Lesson One – How to prioritise and manage your diary like a pro.

Lesson Two – How to master the art of delegation.

Lesson Three – How to run an effective meeting.

Module 5: MindBody Reset: How to Build Resilience and Manage Stress.

Lesson One – Stress, eustress, and how to identify peak performance conditions.

Lesson Two – Self Confidence, self efficacy and the link to peak performance and resilience

Lesson Three – MindBody Reset: the keys to resilience (sleep, exercise, mindfulness and more).

Module 6: Build a High Performing Team.

Lesson One – How to build a cohesive, high performing culture in your team.

Lesson Two – How to recruit the best people for your team (including diversity).

Lesson Three – Developing your team – individually, and as a whole.

Module 7: Managing Performance.

Lesson One – Setting expectations and getting clear on what success looks like.

Lesson Two – Navigating non-performance within your team.

Lesson Three – From good to great: how to inspire and lift your team’s performance (includes setting and communicating vision).

Module 8: Leading Yourself and Others through Change.

Lesson One – Equipping yourself for the different types of change you will encounter as a leader.

Lesson Two – The SARAH model of change and how to use it when you are leading change.

Lesson Three – The Do’s and Don’ts of leading change: tips and tools for Success.

PARTICIPANTS can complete the modules sequentially, as each module builds on the previous one. But you can also adopt a ‘pick and mix’ approach: THE LEADER’s MAP can even act as a leadership resource centre for ALL your leaders.

For the customised version, we can even include a project module that provides growth opportunities for your emerging leaders as part of the course.


Support THEIR PERSONAL growth as AN EMERGING leader



Manager’s Resource Centre

The Manager’s Resource Centre provides the direct manager of the participant with the ability to track their progress. It also gives tips and tools on how to actively support the participant as they progress through the modules.

Measurement, Tracking And Ongoing Support

The Leader’s Map also includes the capability to track and assess the effectiveness of the course. This allows you to ensure every user is actively engaged in training, and serves as an indicator for the potential need to assist the participant.

Can THE LEADER’s MAP be customised for our organisation?

Absolutely! The Leader’s Map is fully customisable for your specific organisational needs. This includes, but is not limited to the following areas:

✔ Company branding (logos, colouring, images etc.).

✔ Inclusion and integration of relevant company material, such as strategy and corporate values “baked” into the content.

✔ Tailoring of particular module material to reflect specific organisational language and concepts, as well as other leadership initiatives in your organisation.

✔ Provision for leaders (such as your CEO) to record a ‘welcome message’ to the participants, or other short video leadership stories to increase relevance and connection with participants.

✔ Linking of materials to your key business performance metrics.

Most businesses struggle to find leadership training that’s both cost effective and actually produces results. By choosing The Leader’s Map, you’ll be equipping your emerging leaders with the knowledge and skills they need to help you accomplish your strategy and vision.

Don’t leave your emerging leaders to sink or swim. Click here to contact Suzi and find out how The Leader’s Map could work for your organisation.


The Leader’s Map works on a licensing arrangement on a 12 to 36 month contract. This way, your organisation can get MAXIMUM results within the desired time-frame. Your organisation can purchase The Leader’s Map “as is”, or customise the training package to suit your unique and specific needs.


Who is the leader’s Map For?

The Leader’s Map Accelerator Programme for Emerging Leaders has a number of key target managers. Who will benefit the most from The Leader’s Map? These types of leaders….

✔ Emerging or “first time’ leaders within your organisation.

✔ Mid level managers looking to improve or develop as a leader.

✔ Aspiring managers or people soon to move into their first leadership role in your company.

✔ Current managers who’ve already “cut their teeth” in leadership, & who are looking to develop their skills further. This may include managers who’ve had little to no prior leadership development.

✔ People leaders who are underperforming, and struggling with certain aspects of their role as a manager.

✔ Individuals who do not have direct reports, but are in cross-functional leadership roles without authority (e.g. key project management roles), where skilled leadership is critical to their success.

What is included in the leader’s Map, The Accelerator Programme for Emerging Leaders?

The Leader’s Map Programme includes: 8 modules, each with

✔ Multiple lessons on a crucial leadership topic for emerging leaders

✔ Ability to track progress in real time

✔ Topical resources, quizzes and gamification for your participants

✔ Relevant blog posts

✔ Videos & articles on the module topic

✔ Video lessons

✔ Access to a closed support group page, where participants can help, connect, and learn from each other, 24 hours a day

You also have the option to access sessions with Suzi McAlpine for The Leader’s Map group within your organisation (*Note: extra fees incurred for this.)

✔ A Programme Manager Centre where the person charged with running the programme in your organisation is supported with tips, tools, and templates for success. You can also track progress and be involved in supporting them throughout the programme.

✔ Measurement, tracking and ongoing support. The Leader’s Map also includes the capability to track and assess the progress and effectiveness of the course.

Can I customise THE LEADER’S MAP for our organisation and if so, what does it cost?

Absolutely! The Leader’s Map is fully customisable for your organisation. This includes, but is not limited to the following areas:

✔ Company branding (logos, coloring, images etc.).

✔ Inclusion and integration of relevant company material, such as strategy and corporate values “baked” into the content.

✔ Tailoring of particular module material to reflect current your specific organisational language and concepts and other leadership initiatives in your organisation

✔ Provision for leaders (such as the CEO) to record a “Welcome” Message to participants or other short video leadership stories to increase relevance and connection with participants.

✔ Linking of materials to any key business performance metrics.

By choosing the Fully Customised option of The Leader’s Map, the costs of alignment around concepts and language are included in a one-time set up cost of + GST.

This includes Suzi’s time to collect specific needs and edits you have to create a customisable option that can adapt to branding, layout and language of your organisation. The setup fee is used to create a completely customised platform for you.

Can we tailor the content to complement or supplement our current training programmes and strategy?

If you choose the Customised version of The Leader’s Map, you can customise content to complement or reinforce your current training programmes. The Leader’s Map can therefore serve as a reinforcement of your current training programmes, or provide an alternative. We can even add in another module to the programme to accommodate a key strategic thrust of your organisation.

How long does it take to complete the course?

The Leader’s Map is designed so that leaders can work at their own pace. That’s the beauty of The Leader’s Map, the training works around your schedule, not the other way around. Leaders can log on and work through the modules any time, any place. However, you wouldn’t want to complete a module any faster than in one week and we recommend taking approximately 9-12 months to work through the 8 modules of the course.

If we adopt the customised version of The Leader’s Map for our organisation, do our leaders have to follow the programme in linear fashion, or can they ‘pick and mix’?

They can do either. By adopting the licensed version of The Leader’s Map, it’s not 100% necessary to undertake the lessons in a linear fashion, but we do recommend this approach, merely because each module builds on the next. But by choosing the licensed version, your leaders can choose what module is applicable to them.

The pick and mix approach can be very useful for more senior leaders within your organisation who want to brush up on certain topics, or who have been identified as having development needs in that particular topic. For example, you may have a more senior leader who is struggling with delegation and time management. They can hop onto the membership site, go to Module Four and check out the materials, resources and lessons on delegation and managing priorities. They don’t have to do the whole course, just the ones that are applicable.

That’s the beauty of investing in the customised, licensing option. You have unlimited access for all your leaders. Our recommendation for most participants would be to work through the eight modules in linear fashion, but this is not a must do. By purchasing the monthly license, you have full access for any leader in your organisation to any of the modules. Even your senior leadership team can use it as a leadership development resource!

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