Tube Raiding $995 – Page One Ranking with YouTube Download
Fellow Traveler, Underground Marketer Dail Wagner here.
I want to tell you about an “exciting” new product I’ve created. But first I want to share the BIGGEST ever S.E.O secret with you.
Website Owners Are Being Deliberately TARGETED & DESTROYED By Google’s Killer Robots. And while the killer bots are doing their damage…
… “People like me (and my clients) are RAIDING and DOMINATING the search engine results like a hoard of warrior horsemen!”
You see, SEO has gone crazy. Back linking has gone crazy. In fact EVERYBODY seems to have gone crazy.Why?
Because people are starting to think Google is Stupid or blind or both. It seems that people have forgotten what ORGANIC really means.

It seems that people now believe that bombarding the Internet with back links from anywhere and everywhere is all it takes to be “The Man At The Top Of The Search Engine World”!
Which REALLY Means People Think Google Is Stupid – And That Is A Mistake If Your Targeting Free Traffic.

Google knows the difference between organic SEO and “forced” SEO
- They KNOW when website owners are cheating
- They know when website owners are bombarding the internet with false back links
- They know when website owners are using Outsources to flood the internet with bogus content and links
I’m 99% Sure You’re Making The EXACT Same Mistakes – And I KNOW It’s Killing You!
Trying to fool Google into thinking your more important than you are is killing your position in the search results, and it’s costing you time and money.

You have to stop thinking that Google doesn’t know what you’re doing. You see, Google “DOES NOT” take prisoners. They don’t care for you.
They don’t care for your family, your needs or how much money and effort you spend on all the back links. They will hunt you down in a flash if they think you are trying to fool them.
Google doesn’t have a heart. They have a vision.
That vision IS NOT to allow websites to have gazillions of back links from web properties Google knows have NOTHING to do with your website idea.
They know your backlinking IS NOT Genuine, long term, relevant, or ORGANIC. They will ignore EVERYTHING you do. They’ll consider you a fraud, and you won’t be the first, or last to fall foul of their take-no-prisoners attitude.

It’s time to get back to my exciting new product that I’ve created EXCLUSIVELY for struggling website owners.
It’s highly likely you don’t know who I am, and that’s okay. I live mostly underground creating courses for high profile Internet marketers. I LIVE inside the search engines everyday spying, raiding, destroying, and dominating the search results in my quest for more power…
… And Google has become my biggest supporter. This is underground stuff normally reserved for my closest friends and paying clients.
Tube Raider is 5 years of testing, tweaking and perfecting my unique system. This is a first of it’s kind ever released onto the internet, all rolled in to one exclusive video training course.
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